St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Year 6 Learning In Spring Term

The children in Year 6 have made a great start to this term. Please continue to encourage your child to focus, work hard and enjoy the learning opportunities so that they are ready for their SATs in May and for their move to secondary school.

Here is an outline of what Year 6 will be learning during this term:


This term we will be reading ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne which is a recommended text for Year 6. It is a powerful text which will develop comprehension skills and provide great stimulus for writing; all of the writing will focus on revising and using the writing skills that the children will need this year for their SATs and writing for real life. The children will be writing a range of genres including a biography, narrative and information texts.


The children will continue to develop their numeracy skills, including mental maths skills, through our CLIC programme and will focus on times tables, counting, using and applying their knowledge of maths operations (+, -, x and ÷).  We are continuing to follow White Rose Maths curriculum, which covers the whole content of the National Curriculum. Our focus this term will be:

  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Algebra
  • Geometry: Position and Direction
  • Statistics
  • Converting Units of Measure
  • Perimeter and Area

The children should also know all their times tables off by heart.


Evolution and Inheritance

The children will discuss fossils as evidence of life millions of years ago and will study the life of Mary Anning. They will compare offspring with parents and will learn about Darwin’s concept of evolution.

Animals, including humans (second half of the term). We will be studying the heart, circulation, the lungs, blood, the effects of exercise on pulse rate, healthy bodies and how to stay healthy.


As part of their History curriculum, the children will be learning about World War 2. They will learn about: key individuals, dates & events, ‘The Battle of Britain,’ & what those on the home front did to support the war effort. The children will be encouraged to make links with our Literacy text and will have opportunities to explore (at an appropriate level) The Holocaust: Why did it happen? What impact did it have at that time? Why is it important for us to remember?

Later on in the term, the children will be learning about Antarctica as part of their Geography curriculum. In this programme of study, they will learn about the location and climate of this continent and its importance to the regulation of the global climate cycle and ocean currents. The children will learn about the animals that can be found there and the adaptations that allow them to survive in the extreme cold. They will also find out about famous explorers including Ernest Shackleton and Robert Falcon Scott.


Our focus for this term is Creation Stories; this is a multi-faith topic (Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism & Sikhism) which will allow the children to explore and compare features that the stories have in common. The second half-term will focus on Easter. They will also continue to focus on developing an understanding about how to live thoughtfully as global citizens. Our school values for this term are ‘love’ and ‘perseverance’ these will be a key focus alongside the school rule of ‘respect’.


The children’s PE slot is on a Wednesday. This half term the children will be focusing on fitness and gymnastics. Next half term the focus will be Netball.


In addition to all the learning already outlined, the children will also be given ample opportunity to do Art and DT (linked to their topic, but also a whole school art project), to participate in music lessons, to take part in drama & dance activities, to develop their health and relationship education (HRE), and computing skills, including online safety.


Here is a reminder of the homework schedule for Year 6:


Despite the current restrictions about entering our school premises, please do not let that stop you from staying in contact with us. If you wish to speak to us, please contact the school office via and we will be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.

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