St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Asia projects in Y4

What brilliant projects!

 We have been blown away by Year 4’s projects this year.  Children were challenged to research an area of Asia of interest to them and were encouraged to be creative in how they presented their research.  The areas chosen included, Russia, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, United Arab Emirates and Nepal.  The children had different reasons for choosing their country eg the unusual variety of animals, the landscapes, landmarks and famous inhabitants eg Mahatma Gandhi and Jackie Chan.

 Children researched their area of Asia carefully and organised the information collected beautifully, with great illustrations and drawings.  The standard of presentation was high and children have enjoyed sharing their projects with the class, answering questions with knowledge and enthusiasm.  I was also impressed with the robots they created. They were very imaginative and could do amazing things to make our lives easier!

It was also great to see other inspirational creations such as exciting travel guides, origami kimonos and a hat from the Philippines! Children also enjoyed creating fashion outfits for their chosen country with some with very intricate designs evident. 

It has been great to see how much the children have thoroughly enjoyed engaging in project work this term. 

“Here are a few of their thoughts about their amazing learning journey.”

“My favourite part was learning about fashion in Japan.”

“I loved drawing all the food, especially the Nasi Tam Peng’ (Indonesia).”

“I tasted sushi for the first time.  I did not like the rice with the pink fish.”

“I enjoyed learning about the similarities and differences in the primary schools.”

‘The children go to school for 11 hours and we are only at school for 6 hours.’

‘In Japan everyone has to help to clean the whole school – even the toilets!’

‘I loved making my robot with my Dad. It looks sparkly and it will do all my chores for me!’

“I did not know that the UAE was rich in gold and petroleum.”

“Did you know that square watermelons make an expensive gift in Japan?”

Well done everyone!  You are amazing.

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