St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Phonics at St. Michael’s

Today we held a phonics workshop for the parents to introduce the programme Little Wandle. We discussed how we are using it in school to teach phonics in Early Years and Key Stage 1.

Phonics is a way of teaching children to read quickly and skilfully. The children are taught…

◦how to recognise the sounds that each individual letter makes (phoneme)

◦identify the sounds that different combinations of letters make such as /sh/ or /ee/ (digraphs) /igh/ (trigraphs)

◦to blend these sounds together from left to right to read a word.

These are the sounds the children learn from Reception to Year 1. Further information on pronunciations can be found in the parent section on the Little Wandle website:


Little Wandle E-Books

The children have now been given a log-in to Little Wandle e-books where they can access a reading book which is set by the teacher. These books are linked to the sounds that the children have previously been taught and is to support and consolidate their learning, comprehension and fluency. Please ensure with each book to cover the questions in the back of the book.

This is alongside the reading book that is sent home. However, reading packs are changed once a week.

Monday: E-book set by teacher

Friday: Reading packs to be returned and changed

Year 1 Phonics Screening

The Year 1 phonics screening will take place from 10th – 14th June June 2024. The test consists of 40 words with a combination of 20 real words and 20 pseudo words (words that are not real). The children will need to obtain a score of 32 or more to pass.

We would like to say a huge thank you to the parents who attended the workshop today and appreciate your kind words and support.

The phonics workshop was very interesting. It helped me to understand how to help my child.

The phonics workshop was great! It helps show how we can support our little ones at home. Thank you teachers!

Today’s phonics session was really informative and very beneficial to supporting at home. Thank you so much!

I found the phonics workshop very helpful to have a better understanding in being able to support my child’s learning with the best knowledge.

It was a good experience. It will boost my approach to teaching my son.

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