St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Year 2 – what are we learning in Summer Term?


We will be reading and writing a variety of stories and using drama and role-play to develop themes and ideas. Children will write a non-fiction report on Florence Nightingale to link with our new topic. Our focus books will be ‘The Lonely Beast’ & ‘Aliens Stole My Underpants’, which is a a poetry text. In exploring poems, we will develop rhyming skills and write our own rhyming poems. Regular spellings and grammar will also be part of our learning. 


The maths topics for summer term are Position & Direction, Problem Solving, Statistics & Measurement: Time, Mass, Temperature and Capacity. We will continue to do our daily CLIC sessions, which focus on number and calculation.

For your reference, the ‘learn its’ this term are as follows:  6 + 8 = 14, 5 + 7 = 12, 5 + 8 = 13, 5 + 9 = 14, 6 + 9 = 15, 7 + 9 = 16  (2x 3x table)


 (History) Summer 1         (Geography) Summer 2

 For this term, we have two exciting new topics. For summer 1, we will have a history focus of Significant Individuals. We will be learning about Neil Armstrong, Rosa Parks, Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, Barack Obama and why they are significant. In summer 2, we will focus on geography and be learning about things ‘Beside the Seaside’ (coastlines, islands & how it has changed over time)


 For summer 1, we will be looking at Animals, Including Humans. We will look at how humans and animals grow as well as a focus on nutrition and what we need to be healthy.

In summer 2, we will focus on plants. We will study plants and trees in the natural environment, making observational drawings, taking measurements to track their growth.

Religious Education

For the summer term, the children will be learning about the Islam faith with a focus on the beliefs and practices of the religion.


This term the children will focus on Athletics (Basic movements, Running, Balancing, Different speeds, Jumping, Jumping over obstacles, Throwing, Jumping with height & distance) as well as Striking and Fielding (Hand-eye coordination, Striking with a bat, Catching, Stopping skills, Basic batting techniques & Fielding skills).

PE will continue on Wednesday mornings. Please ensure your child is wearing the navy St. Michael’s tracksuit and it is labelled. Alternatively, if your child does not have a school tracksuit, please ensure they bring in a PE kit of their house colour t-shirt and jogging bottoms to change into.  


Homework will continue to be handed out on a Monday and must be returned on a Friday, unless alternative dates are given. It consists of Mathletics, Spelling and ‘Learn-its’ 90 secs tests. Children will have 1 task to complete on Mathletics each week. Reading packs are to be brought in on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please make sure you have signed your child’s reading pack.  We will test children’s spelling via tests and dictations on Fridays.

Please note that Year 2 will complete SATS over the month of May.

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