St Michael's
Church of England Primary School

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Our vision is for every child to live an abundant life (John 10.10)

Reports & Financial Information



Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.  Ofsted exists to ‘regulate and inspect to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages.’

In our most recent inspection (February  2020), the school continued to be graded as ‘Good’. In the inspector’s report he noted that "Leaders and staff encourage pupils to behave well and to be proud of their achievements. Pupils are happy at this school. They know that their teachers care about them as individuals and want them to do well. This reflects the school's motto, small enough for everyone to count and big enough to make a difference."

"The school's values remind pupils how to treat people with respect, understanding and kindness. The atmosphere during break and lunchtimes is lively and friendly.  Parents and carers feel their children are happy and safe. All parents would recommend the school to others."

Click here to read the full 2020 Ofsted report (pdf)

Click here for a copy of the school’s 2016 Ofsted report (pdf)

Click here to see our report on the Ofsted website

SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools)

As a Church of England school, St Michael’s receives a further inspection in addition to the usual Ofsted inspection to which all schools are subject. This additional inspection is carried out by the National Society for Promoting Religious Education on behalf of the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education.

In our last report (June 2016) the inspector considered that St Michael's is OUTSTANDING in all areas and noted that, "St Michael's is a caring and nurturing place that strongly celebrates its Christian foundation which effectively drives forward school improvement". The inspector also commented that the school's vision "is effectively lived out in the school's daily life" and that "its Christian distinctiveness makes a very strong contribution to raising aspirations....attainment is above the national and local authority averages". We were delighted with the outcome of the inspection and especially pleased that one parent's comment to the inspector was that "children are treated as individuals - they are encouraged and supported to achieve their potential".

Click here to see a full copy of the Church School Inspection Report (pdf)


For more information about the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education and how it supports church schools, click here

Financial Information

The number of school employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more is NIL (information provided as at June 2023)

Information about how our school performs financially in comparison to other schools can be found at the Schools' Financial Benchmarking Service - follow this link.