St Michael's CE Primary School Blog


We are very proud of our Reception children, they have settled into their new school life so well. They have been working hard on learning to follow simple instructions and to keep up with all the golden rules, including being kind, being safe and having a go!

This blog is to give you an overview of the learning that will be happening this term.

During this Autumn term the children will be learning through our three topics:

  • All about me
  • People who help us
  • Christmas

In Literacy, we will be reading some great stories such as Oliver’s Vegetables and The Jolly Postman. The children will learn to retell these stories using actions. We will begin to learn to write using phonic knowledge using the correct letter formation as well learning to write their name. So lots of practice at home with holding those pencils please! Get your children to colour in some pictures, and to further develop their fine motor and pencil grip encourage them to use their pencil to create different patterns like the ones below.

t-t-252840-mark-making-pattern-cards | Cuddington and Dinton School
A great way to develop fine motor and pencil grip.

In Communication and Language, we will spend lots of time focusing on speaking and listening, phonics and reading. Please read with your child regularly and practice their sound and word cards daily.

In RE we are learning about the Christian religion and the theme is ‘Special People’. We will also be focusing on Christmas and why it is a special time of year for Christians.

At St Michael’s we have 7 school values: Respect, Love, Hope, Peace, Trust, Joy and Resilience. We will start the year by learning about the value of ‘Respect’ as well as ‘Resilience’ and next half term our focus will be ‘Hope’.

In Maths, we are learning all about numbers through our ‘CLIC’ programme, which stands for:

  • Counting
  • Learn Its
  • Its Nothing New
  • Calculation.

The aim with this programme is to develop the children’s mental maths skills in a fun and exciting way. Our maths objectives for the Autumn Term are:

  • Rote count to 10
  • Recognise numerals 1 – 10
  • Counting, matching and sorting objects
  • Counting 3 objects
  • Exploring pattern
  • Simple 2D shapes

Please reinforce this learning at home, as well as the following two ‘Learn Its’ which we would like the children to know off by heart:

  • 1 + 1 = 2
  • 2 + 2 = 4

During our Personal, Social and Emotional Development, we will learn how to co-operate with one another and how to look after ourselves and others. We will focus heavily on how to share, care and take turns. Please play lots of games to support your child with this. For example, snap or snakes and ladders.

Our Physical development focus is Multi-skills. The children will engage in fun and challenging sporting activities, whilst keeping their social distance, that will develop lifelong skills and fitness in sport. Reception PE is on a Tuesday morning, so please remember to come to school ready to go in your school tracksuit. Additionally, we will be working to promote the good oral health of children so we will be discussing healthy eating and oral hygiene.

In our Understanding of the World we will be learning to recognise and label parts of the body as well as learning about our senses where we will be using our senses to explore taste and textures of a variety of fruits and vegetables.

In Expressive Arts and Design, the children will engage in a range of creative learning including drawing self-portraits, role play and learning new songs and playing instruments.

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Our carpet area
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Our inside area
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Our outside area
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Our outside area

stay in touch

Despite the current restrictions about entering some parts of our school premises, please do not let that stop you from staying in contact with us. If you wish to speak to us, please contact the school office via and we will be happy to address any concerns you may have.

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