St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

The Tremendous Twos: The Term Takeover

Hello All!

We were very sure that you missed us, so we decided to return in style with a term takeover! If you thought we did a lot last term- wait until you see what we have been getting up to now. Get ready to see us recruit for a new tooth fairy (despite us having our own personal fairy…Miss Williams. Although, we will keep that a secret amongst ourselves), debate on whether or not we should be allowed to wear our own clothes to school everyday, our funky socks and much, much more!

Do you like children? Are you brave? Can you stealthily sneak through windows at night? Then look no further, this is the perfect job for you and we are hiring!

We had a very hectic couple of weeks with odd socks day, pajama (or spots/stripes) day for Children in Need and No Pens Day, where we role-played, debated and jumped from station to station during Math! Here is what we got up to:

If that’s still not enough for you, we finally set up our class Christmas tree and went on a lovely trip with the rest of the infants to go and see an enthralling play: Well Done, Mummy Penguin!

If you couldn’t tell, you should know by now that we are a very talented class! This was further displayed with our Rainforest Project. We spent a lot of time and effort at home, creating the most amazing projects. Some of you may have ghad the chance to see our work at the exhibition, but even if you didn’t you are more than welcome to ask any of the Tremendous Twos anything about the Rainforest.

In our most recent RE lesson, we learnt about Jesus as the light of the world and how He is represented. This led us into making some pretty cool Christingles but you don’t need to take our word for it, have a look at a little bit of the process:

We have to go now, Miss Williams doesn’t know that we are using her computer! However, we still wanted to say thank you for tuning in for more of our journey and happy holidays to you all!

Signed: The Tremendous Twos

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