St Michael's CE Primary School Blog


Y5 are learning about Ancient Greece this term. What better place to visit to start this journey of discovery than the stunning, magnificent Baroque interiors of The Painted Hall, known as ‘Britain’s Sistine Chapel’. Y5 were stunned by its beauty! They explored the painted ceiling and hall and identified a number of Greek gods and goddesses.

The day started off with a drama – how the peacock got its eyes – an ancient Greek myth.

Did you know?

In mythology, Greek goddess Hera knew her husband Zeus and didn’t trust him to be left alone around other women so she sent her hundred eyed giant Argus to ensure Zeus couldn’t meet with anyone without her knowledge. Zeus lulled Argus to sleep and cut off his head. According to the myth, Hera rewarded her watchman by turning his hundred eyes into the images on the tail of the peacock. It is believed that Hera placed the ‘eyes’ on the peacocks feathers to represent stars and symbolise wisdom and knowledge of the heavens.

Poseidon with his trident

Y5 then moved on to make mask representing what there god or goddess would be and what special powers they would have.


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