St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Exploring Design

Y4 visited the Young V & A museum in Bethnal Green to explore design and creativity and to fire their imagination. We enjoyed looking at amazing designs and inventions made over the years by people of all ages and we were able to try out some games and develop some of our own ideas.

‘We designed cool homes for animals and created our own games.’

‘It was great seeing unsual things that we do not mormally see.’

‘I really liked the dice game because I wasn’t playing alone.’

‘Even though I lost it was really exciting and fun.’

‘I learnt about how dynamics work and how to add in game effects.’

‘Lots of things were interactive.’

‘I liked using magnets to make a path for a ball to roll along.’

‘ We really enjoyed the stage because we could make shows with other people, try on lots of different costumes and have fun!’

We all really enjoyed the ‘Imagine’ part of the Young V & A galleries, which encouraged us to use our story telling and imagination. It even had a stage to perform on and costumes to try on. We had a lot of fun.

After lunch we attended a workshop where we were given the opportunity to create a home for a small creature. We discussed our design ideas in groups, considering the needs and suitability of our design for our designated creature. We were shocked to find that our design ideas were then taken away and given to a different group to complete and construct! This made us think about the role of the designer and the client in real life situations and the importance of considering the needs of others and sticking to a design brief.

We enjoyed constructing our new designs, however, we learnt that it can be challenging working within a team, when each person has so many ideas, and we had to learn to negotiate and be democratic in our decisions making. Our clients critiqued our designs and they were all very happy with our work.

It was a fantastic visit.

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