What a day we had on Friday! We read books, something we love to do and raised money for the Book Trust too. The children absolutely joined the fun and an array of sleepwear was on show amd some new found favouruite reading material.

Days like this are so much fun, made even better knowing we are giving to a great cause.
As well as this, the children had an opportunity to share a book with Ms Gillespie. It was one of her new year resolutions, which she has only just had a chance to action. We had great time sharing stories together.
Nursery – The Lion Who Wanted to Love by Giles Andreae

Reception – Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae

Year 1 – The Big Dreaming by Michael Rosen

Year 2 -Not-so-Little Red-Riding Hood by Michael Rosen

Year 3 – Geronimo – The Penguin Who Thought He Could Fly by David Walliams

Year 4 – The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes by Mark Pett and Gary Rubinstein

Year 5 and Year 6 – Aesop’s Fables – compiled by Michael Rosen and Squids Will Be Squids by Jon Scieszka

Michael Rosen was heavily featured as we recently shared some books that the author had signed for the children of St Michael’s. They children had seen the books, but now many classes had the chance to enjoy them on this brilliant day, highlighting the pleasure of reading and the joy of giving.
How your money helps
Naomi grew up in a household with few books. When Naomi started her own family, she came across BookTrust’s Bookstart programme and was told about the importance of reading with her baby from the start. As soon as her daughter was born, Naomi made sure there was always time to snuggle up and read together, and her daughter who is now six, is an avid reader and always has a book on the go. Naomi has seen how reading takes her into imaginary worlds and helps her deal with everyday worries and is amazed how it is also helping her to do well in all subjects at school.
Not all children get the same opportunity as Naomi’s daughter and through Pyjamarama we want to help support the children who are at risk of missing out on the joy and confidence that bedtime stories provide.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9 verse 7: Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
It is inspiring to think that we have been able to give to the Book Trust all whilst we are awaiting the opening of the new St Michael Library where ABC Books are giving cheerfully to us!
Thank you for all your cheerful donations. St Michael’s raised an awesome £189.82 for the Book Trust