St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Our Futures are Bright We Must Wear Shades – St Michael’s Welcomes Ben Leslie

Hope is our value this term. An aspiration is a hope or ambition of achieving something.

Therefore it was timely to welcome Ben Leslie, a former parent and the vice chair of our governing board, to our collective worship as part of ‘Our futures are so bright, we must wear shades‘ aspirational discussions.

Ben introduced himself and told the children all about his link to the school as an ex parent and also about his current role as a governor. He told the children all about engineering, his profession, and even taught us all a little bit of latin! Engineer comes from ingeniator in Latin, which is ‘inventor’ in English.

Maths was a topic for discussion. It was interesting to see the children’s responses to the purpose of maths and how it is linked to all the things we do.

Ben told us about his work on the chip inside a mobile phone and also the creation of a bluetooth headset which blocks out all the background noise – there was even a clip to show the difference between the noise being blocked out and without – what a difference it makes!

The children continued to listen intently to the creation of Rakau, the bus and train timetable, that people can have displayed in their homes. The reaction of the children was priceless as they saw their school name up in lights and the times of all the local buses – the reaction was great too when they saw Ms Gillespie’s name pop up!

Curious and intrigued, the children continued to question Ben after the collective worship about his work and especially about the cost of Rakau – some commented on how it would be a game changer for getting their parents to places on time!

A big thank you to Ben for visiting us today – the children really enjoyed your time with us – you have definitely inspired some future engineers.

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