St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

All are welcome here

During Collective Worship on Monday, we spoke about the colours of the church season being purple for Advent. The children shared about Advent candles and how we prepare for a special event. We know that Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for the birth of Jesus.

The children were also introduced to the journey of Posada.

Posada is a traditional preparation for Christmas which is common in Mexico and other South American countries. It is a Spanish word “Las Posadas” which means “the inns”; an older version of today’s motels.

Typically, there would be nine inns or posadas which help individuals to remember and act out the journey that Joseph took with Mary to travel from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem. The total distance is about 130km (80 miles) and would normally be a 4 day walk. However, they would be slower as Mary is heavily pregnant – hence the donkey for her to ride on.

They would need to stop each night to rest and according to local custom, hospitality was to be offered to travellers, i.e. somewhere to rest and sleep and a place to get food. The posadas recall this journey and Mary and Joseph calling at inns to ask for somewhere to stay.

Over the next two weeks, St Michael’s classrooms will be a posada (inn) and Mary and Joseph will stay with classes for one or two nights. They need to have a special place in which to rest, before they move on to the next class. The posadas teach us that by welcoming the poor and needy, we are welcoming Jesus.

The first stop is Ms Gillespie’s office, after which the travellers will journey to the school office.

Mrs Gayle has handed the travellers safely to Nursery. They have looked carefully at how to care for them and we know they are in safe hands.

After a lovely rest, our travellers will move to Reception class to experience their hospitality.

After a safe and warm night in Reception- our special guests are continuing their journey. Onward bound to Year 1.

Year 1 were amazing hosts, now our travellers are seeking shelter in Year 2.

GIVERS:           We bring Mary and Joseph who are travelling towards Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus. Will you give them shelter and somewhere to rest on their journey?

RECEIVERS:     We will

GIVERS:           May they be a symbol to you of taking the Lord Jesus into your hearts

RECEIVERS:     Amen.

Rest well Mary, Joseph and donkey. We travel to Year 3 tomorrow.

A lovely rest and a trip to the Ray Wickes Building. The travellers seek shelter with year 3.

Year 4 – now your turn to offer hospitality.

Year 4 have passed the Posada onto year 5, safely settled for another night.

Safe and settled. Rest well weary travellers.

The journey continues from Year 5 to Year 6. Yes we have room and shelter. Yes Year 6 will care for the travellers.

Finally, the journey is reaching its final stages. Year 6 have safely taken our guests to the final collective worship of this year. The travellers will then rest in the shelter of our communal prayer area.

We will all take care of them, we will all give them rest and shelter; they are welcome here.

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