St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Commitment – shown or said?

Year Five have been exploring this key question. First, they had a class discussion based on this question:

Is it ever OK to tell a lie?

What would your response be? Are there any situations where it is OK to tell a lie?

These were some of the children’s responses:

  • You cannot tell a lie because you will get into serious trouble when your parent finds out.
  • You might lie to your friend to make them feel better.
  • You might not tell the truth because you cannot tell a stranger your address.
  • Corrie Ten Boom’s family had to lie to protect the Jews – so it is OK to tell a lie sometimes.

Christians show their commitment to God in many ways as Year Five discovered. One of the ways is by following the Ten Commandments found in Exodus Chapter 20.

Y5 explored some more questions like ‘Are some commandments more important than others?

Another way Christians show their commitment to God is by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide their actions.  Having a commitment to God causes the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness & Self-Control) to be evident in a Christian’s life.

Can you list all the fruit of the Spirit?

Some famous Christians dedicated their lives to helping others as a way to show their love and commitment to God.  These Christians dedicated their lives to ‘loving their neighbour’.

Christians can also show their commitment to God by going to church, taking Communion (Eucharist), singing hymns and by praying.  Holy Communion is a sacrament.


Year Five found the following items in St Michael’s Church.

Lectern – where the Bible sits. Readings are read from here during a service.
Organ – an instrument played to accompany traditional hymns.
Cross – Symbol of Christianity because Jesus died on a cross.

There are many ways for a Christian to show their commitment to God. 

How would you to choose to show your commitment to God if you were a Christian?

Is there a best way?

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