St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

What’s in a poem?

Thursday 5th October was National Poetry Day, (it was also UNICEF’s world teacher’s day!) The theme this year was ‘Refuge’.

The children of St Michael’s explored poetry either alongside the theme of refuge, or taking a creative spin on it.

Year 5 worked in groups to create amazing refuge poems. The focus was seeking refuge after a disaster.

Y4 looked at a scene from ‘Into the forest’ by Anthony Browne. After sharing ideas, they worked in groups to develop descriptive writing for different parts of the scene, in order to create a class poem. The final poem was edited by the entire class.

Year 6 used a Pie Corbett poem as a model. 

Using the beach as a stimulus, the children used figurative language (including personification, similes and metaphors) in their poetry writing. 

Year 5

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