St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

We can reach out

Monday was the launch of anti-bullying week with the children and adults wearing odd socks. Odd Socks Day is a national event all about what makes someone unique. Behind all the fun and bright socks, there was a serious message to share. Everyone pulls on their odd socks to show we’re ALL unique and different, to be kind to each other and respect each other’s individuality.

The theme this year is ‘Reach Out’ and it was chosen to empower all children and adults to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes. If we challenge it, we can change it and it starts by reaching out!

Anti-Bullying Week aims to remind everyone whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, to reach out and show each other the support we need. We launched the event by discussing that we can reach out to someone we trust, such as our people in school or family at home. We talked about how important it is to talk or reach out to someone you know is being bullied. We also discussed types of bullying and the feelings that they may produce in all concerned. The children gave some amazing insights and the conversations will be continuing over the week.

Our value this half term is joy and we have spent time discussing how a smile can change someones world and how random acts of kindness can send a ripple effect through our home, school and communities. As a school community, we are continuing to focus on being kind and this Anti-Bullying Week, we come together and reach out to stop bullying!

A video from the Anti-Bullying Alliance shared with the children in collective worship.

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