St Michael's CE Primary School Blog


Welcome back to Summer term in Year 3. As always we want the children to have a wide breadth of learning which will build good learning habits for now and the future. This is a busy term for the children with lots of learning. Please see an outline of what the children in Year 3 will be doing.


We continue to build on the children’s reading and comprehension skills. This term, we focus on two main texts, Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf by David Almond and You Wouldn’t Want to be Tutankhamun by Dave Stewart. These texts will be the inspiration for their non-fiction and fiction writing.


Embedding the children’s mental maths skills, through our CLIC programme and BMBT (Big Maths Beat That), we are following the White Rose Maths curriculum, which covers the whole content of the National Curriculum. This half term the focus is Fractions and Time. After half term the focus is Properties of Shapes, Mass and Capacity.

The ‘Learn Its’ for Summer Term is the 8 times table and related division facts


In Science we are learning about Plants to understand the relationship between structure and function: the idea that every part has a job to do. They will explore questions that focus on the role of the roots and stem in nutrition and support, leaves for nutrition and flowers for reproduction.

In the second half of the term, the children will focus on Animals, including humans. The children will continue to learn about the importance of nutrition and will be introduced to the main body parts associated with the skeleton and muscles, finding out how different parts of the body have special functions.

RE Religious Education

In RE we learn about the six main religions in the world. This term our focus is on Sihkhism. Key Question: What are the main beliefs and practices in the Sikh faith?

We will also be dedicating some time to deepen our understanding of our school values of ‘Respect’, ‘Trust’ and ‘Peace‘.


The focus this term is History and the children will be studying the Egyptians.


PE will continue each week on a Monday. This half term the children will be focusing on ‘Athletics’. Please ensure your child is wearing the navy blue St. Michael’s tracksuit and it is labelled with their name. Alternatively, if your child does not have a school tracksuit, please ensure they bring their house colour t-shirt and jogging bottoms to change into for the lesson.

MFL (Modern Foreign Language)

The children will continue to learn Spanish, developing their skills in speaking and listening,

HRE (Health and Relationships Education)

In HRE, the children will be exploring two themes: Relationships and Changing Me.

Creative Curriculum

As well as the above, the children will be engaged in art linked to various areas of the curriculum; developing a range of skills.

Stay in touch.

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If you wish to speak to us, please contact the school office via and we will be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.

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