St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

The earth is what we all have in common

We are always reading and hearing really bad and daunting news about the environment. Headlines like these ones make you feel discouraged and scared.

Australia’s wild fires 26 people killed More than 1 billion animals killed
Devastating floods in the UK and around the world
Glaciers melting at a much higher speed than previously predicted by scientist.

So…. we may think…. “What’s the point? This is too big of a problem. There is nothing we can do. Probably it’s too late”

But there are so many good things happening around the world which are making such a big difference! Here is a small selection of literally hundreds of good news!

a Ray of hope…

Scientists at a Spanish university have developed a biological concrete that grows moss and provides insulation while absorbing CO2. This is how the buildings of the future will look like! They don’t only look amazing, but they will help combat climate change.
China turns on the world’s largest factory of solar energy. What happens in China has also a big impact on the rest of the world…. So this is good news that China is investing so much in renewable energy!
Aviation carbon emissions are down 40% since the pandemic started. This Covid crisis is terrible and has brought a lot of misery to all of us…. But this shows that bad things can sometimes have a positive side. We must always try to look for it!

There are lots of good things happening…. However, there is still so much work to be done! he problem for us… In spite of all these good news, the planet is in great danger and we all need to play our part to save it. It is not good enough to expect that others will solve t So…. What are YOU going to do to save the planet?

Your challenge for 2021: Pick 3 eco resolutions and STICK TO IT!

Here are some ideas

  • Eat more meat-free meals
  • Turn lights off
  • Use a reusable water bottle
  • Recycle more
  • Do litter picking in the street
  • Buy less things
  • Walk or cycle to school
  • Stop buying products from known companies)
  • Convince your parents to buy unwrapped food
  • Bring single use plastic free packed lunches to school
  • Make an eco-brick

Please post on classdojo what how you are challenging yourself to become a more eco-friendly citizen!

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