At the start of this term, Year 6 enjoyed a TFL Citizens presentation. This was held in school and its aim was to inform, challenge and reinforce the knowledge of Year 6 pupils as they become increasingly independent and prepare for independent travel ahead of starting secondary school.

The children learnt about personal safety, respect, responsibility and awareness both on and around public transport. The workshop covered the different forms of public transport and addressed all key aspects of the KS2 Citizenship curriculum.
The areas covered included:
- Journey planning
- Active travel choices (such as cycling and walking)
- Using different modes of transport in London
- Ticketing (including the Zip Oyster photocards)
- Getting help
- Showing respect for members of staff and other passengers
- What to do in an emergency
- Awareness of possible dangers and personal safety

The Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and were keen to share what they had learned.