St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Mastering Marvellous Maths

The children in Year 6 have been working hard to master some new calculation methods. During this half term, they were introduced to the method for long division. The National Curriculum states that children should be taught to:

‘Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division and interpret remainders as whole numbers and fractions.’

The children shared their thoughts on the process:

Long division is not easy to learn and it takes a while but you have to just keep on following the method.’

‘Partitioning the divisor really made it much easier for me. If I am confident that my multiples are right, I know I can get the answer correct.’

A technique I used to remember the method is: Mummy (Multiply), Daddy (Divide), Sister (Subtract), Brother (Bring down).’

‘At first, I felt that I would never get the hang of it and I had no idea what I was doing. Now I feel confident and I love it!’

When we first started this, I didn’t know how to do it at all. Now I believe I am a master of long division!

‘A lot of people think that long division is confusing (including me to begin with). I kept on getting my multiples wrong. Now I am much more accurate and I find it easy!

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