This morning, St Michael’s welcomed Parent ENgage to school for a secondary school workshop with breakfast!
Parent ENGage are an education network group (ENG of ENGage) supporting parents of pupils attending Lewisham. This is funded by Lewisham Council, CASE (Campaign for State Education) and the National Lottery Community Fund and trained by BLG Mind.

The purpose of the workshop was to aid parents in the process of choosing a secondary school, as it is one of the hardest decisions that parents/carers will make. It was also designed for Y5 and Y6 parents to help them make these decisions and support their young children. Parent ENgage facilitators have been in the same situation as you, and want to share their experiences to help.
The parents/carers in attendance feedback was extremely positive:
‘I found it informative and helpful’
‘I found it really informative. Please advertise and push these events more.’
‘Parent ENgage was very good. My child is in Y5 and it has given me a lot of information. I will be starting to look more into schools now and book open days.’
‘Excellent information on secondary school. Helped to distinguish the difference in schools.‘
‘I found it to be a very helpful workshop regarding different types of schools criteria’
‘It was very informative – I would recommend it to other parents.’
Great workshop. Very useful. Good to engage with others in same setting.
Parent ENgage will be back to run a workshop on Wellbeing & Resilience soon – look out for the flyer.
We look forward to welcoming the Y6 parents on Monday 25th September to the Secondary School Transfer information session led by Ms Gillespie.