St Michael's CE Primary School Blog

Fire Safety

St Michael’s children continued to learn about ways to stay safe with a visit from London Fire Brigade on Friday 19th May.

Officers use their training, experience and expertise to deliver fire safety messages in a sensitive and reassuring way so children understand the importance of home fire safety without becoming worried about a fire happening in their home.

In Year 2 the children listened to information about:

  • the dangers of fire and how it can hurt people
  • common fire hazards, and to never play with matches and lighters
  • discussion about smoke alarms and how they keep homes safe from fire
  • what to do in an emergency if there is a fire, and how to call 999.

The children in Y5 learnt about :

  • how fire kills, destroys homes and spreads quickly
  • smoke being as dangerous as fire, how smoke alarms work, and how to make sure they are working properly
  • making fire escape plans from homes (including tower blocks)
  • what to do if there is a fire, and how to call 999.

Thank you to the fire service for their support; they were very impressed with the children too!

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